- Wortley, Richard. “A Pictorial History of Striptease. 100 Years of Undressing to Music” Octopus Books. ISBN 978-0706404692. 1976
- Sobel, Bernard. “A Pictorial History of Burlesque.” G.P. Putnams Sons; First Edition. 1956.
- Cunningham, Leslie. “Brown Skin Show Girls.” CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. July 2017
- Cunningham, Leslie. “Brown Skin Showgirls, The Cuban Edition”. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. 2018
- Briggman, Jane. "Burlesque: Legendary Stars of the Stage.” 2004. ISBN 1-888054-94-8
“PlayBoy Magazine”. February 1965 - Detzler, Roger. “Queens of Burlesque: Murray Korean’s Pinups from the 50’s”. Asylum Publications. ISBN 978-1-7363197-1-0. 2021
- O’Brien, Erin & Bob Perkoski. “Rust Belt Burlesque.” Ohio University Press. 2019. ISBN 9780804012195
- Glasscock, Jessica. “Striptease; from Gaslight to Spotlight.” Harry N. Abrams. ISBN: 978-0810945449. 2003
- Roth, Len. “The Bare Truth… Stars of Burlesque from the 40s & 50s.” A Schiffer Pictorial Essay. Schiffer Pub Ltd. ISBN 0-7643-0603-0. 1998
- Scott, Coleen. “The Costumes of Burlesque; 1866-2018.” Routledge, 1st Edition. 2019
- Rothe, Len. “The Queens of Burlesque: Vintage Photographs from the 1940s and 1950s.” A Schiffer Pictorial Essay. Schiffer Pub Ltd. 1997. ISBN: 0-7643-0449-6
- Farnsworth, Marjorie. “The Ziegfeld Follies; A History in Text and Pictures.” Putnam, First Edition. 1965
- Zemeckis, Leslie. “Behind the Burly Q: The Story of Burlesque in America.” Skyhorse Publications. 2014
- Allen, Robert C. “Horrible Pettiness: Burlesque and American Culture.” The University of North Carolina Press. 1991. ISBN 0-8078-4316-4
- Gänzl, Kurt. “Lydia Thompson: Queen of Burlesque.” Forgotten Stars of Musical Theatre. Routledge. 2002
- McNair, Brian. “Striptease Culture: Sex, Media and the Democratization of Desire.” Routledge. 2002
Alliance Daily Times. “Columbus Bunny Club.” Columbus, NE. April 28, 1964
Beatrice Daily Express. “Walter’s Opera Burlesque Co.” Beatrice, NE. October 31, 1890
Beatrice Evening Times. “Mureal.” Beatrice, NE. September 21, 1898
Beatrice Daily (Beatrice, NE):
- “New York City Lives its Ban on Burlesque” May 20, 1955
- “Strip Tease Artist in Des Moines.” December 10, 1936
Council Bluffs Nonpareil. “Burlesque Awaits a Revolution.” Helen Welshimer. Council Bluffs, IA June 27, 1937
Columbus Telegram (Columbus, NE):
- “Omaha Police Busy on Sunday.” November 16, 1953
“Defer action on Bunny Club liquor license renewal.” Bunny Club. Columbus, NE. April 6, 1972 - “Ordinance on dancing is changed.” Bunny Club. Columbus, NE. December 18, 1969
- “New Year’s Eve Party” Advertisement. Bunny Club. Columbus, NE. December 31, 1969
- “Pussycat Theater Manager Fined.” August 10, 1973
Council Bluffs Nonpareil (Council Bluffs, IA):
- "Hollywood Goes in for the Strip-Tease…But in a Perfectly Nice Way.” By Paul Harrison, Hollywood. June 20, 1937
- “No Exotic Dancers.” Omaha. July 14, 1965
Daily Drovers Journal Stockman. “Old Man Johnson’s Popular Gayety Theatre.” Omaha, NE. August 27, 1921
The Daily Times. “Moline Theaters.” Moline, IA. September 9, 1912
Des Moines Register (Des Moines, IA):
- “Want to be Shocked?” Article about Miss Edna Raymond at the Lyceum Theater. October 10, 1915
“Aroused Clergy Seeks Death of Strip-Tease.” April 30, 1937 - “‘The Cat’s Meow’ New Burlesque’ Clean but Sparkling Show at the President.” November 27, 1937
- “Gaudy, Bawdy Burlesque Back; Packed House Receives It in Des Moines.” President Theater. October 24, 1936
- “Amusement Bill for the Week.” December 15, 1919
- “Burlesque is Coming Into It’s Own With Cleaner and Better Comedy Rewarded by Big Houses.” Joe Jacobs. December 15, 1919
- “How ‘Strip-tease’ Revived Burlesque; Slump Broken by Old Stunt.” December 13, 1936
- “Strip-Tease Songstress Keeps Gotham Guessing.” Ernest G. Paine. January 8, 1939
- “Burlesque’s Early Demise This Season Opens Way for More Better Road Companies.” January 22, 1922
- “The Shuberts mean Well but ‘Broadway Nights’ is None Too Good Burlesque.” Richard Watts, Jr. July 21, 1929
- “Burlesque is Given Credit for Producing Many Stars.” Don Cameron. June 22, 1919
- “Dramatic.” Full Page. June 28, 1896
- “Dramatics.” Full Page. October 17, 1920
- “Burlesque Purges Itself of Baseness of the Past; the Columbia an Example.” October 17, 1920
- “Sandy O’Hara: Last Queen of Burlesque.” Bart Haynes. October 16, 1986
- “Burlesque not so naughty, but nice.” Barbara Croft. August 21, 1985
Des Moines Tribune (Des Moines, IA):
- “Garrick Theater; Des Moines Most Popular Burlesque Theater.” Advertisement. August 30, 1924
- “Garrick Theater presenting Mutual Burlesque: Al Reeves’ Beauty Show.” Advertisement. October 4, 1924
- “Garrick Theater Presenting Mutual Burlesque; Step Along.” September 13, 1924
- “Garrick Theater presenting Mutual Burlesque; Frank Harcourt’s Own Show Red Hot; A Cyclonic Melange of Music and Girls.” Advertisement. September 27, 1924
- “Hot-Cha Hinton—last of the red-hot mamas.” Jim Arpy. January 14, 1980
- “‘Girls A La Carte’ Burlesque of Merit.” January 3, 1920
- “Berchel: Town Scandals.” Advertisement for Berchel Musical Revue.” April 16, 1921
- “Berchel Columbia Burlesque: Step On It.” Advertisement. August 30, 1924
- “Old Favorites on Play Bills.” Berchel. October 4, 1924
- “Berchel A Columbia Burlesque: Billy Arlington with the Golden Crook AND My China Doll.” Advertisements for Berchel Theater. October 4, 1924
- “Berchel Musical Burlesque: Dave (Snuffy) Marion
- “Stageland.” December 15, 1919
Evening Times Republican. “The Odeon Theater; First Show of the Season An American Wheel Musical Burlesque. ‘The Cabaret Girls’.” Advertisement for Odeon Theater. Marshalltown, IA. July 31, 1920
Evening Times Republican. “The Cabaret Girls.” Marshalltown, IA. July 31, 1920
Evening World Herald (Omaha, NE):
- “‘On the Carpet,’ Knapp Denies Clover Leaf O.K.” October 1, 1938
- “Angelo’s Cocktail Lounge, 1013-13-17-19 So. 10th St.” Listing of Club. March 7, 1951
- “Cirino’s Get License Reprieve After Scare.” Jack Holley. April 13, 1966
- “Cirino’s Lounge, Council Go to Another Draw.” April 20, 1966
- “Council Saves Cirino’s Bar License.” April 27, 1966
- “Club Owner May Rekindle Battle Over ‘Exotics.” August 20, 1965
- “Sally Rand Still Designed (35-25-35) for Job at 61.” By Al Pagel. July 10, 1965
- “Sally Rand’s ‘Dance Nude’; Fan Dancer Arrested During Club Act.” July 10, 1965
- “Krug Theater: Cherry Clossoms Burlesque Co.” December 30, 1911
- “Doors of the New Krug Theater Swing Open.” Frank P. Gallagher. September 1, 1903
- “Krug and Gayety Ran at Same Time.” By Joseph Meyer. October 1, 1965
- “Zorita ‘The Body Beautiful’ “I Married a Savage.” Town Theater Advertisement. March 29, 1950
- “Town Theater; Burlesque Hollywood Peep Show. Plus Teenage Vandalism “Arson Squad.” Town Theater Advertisement. January 4, 1956
- “Town Theater; Hurly Burly with Georgia Sothern and Joey Faye.” Town Theater Advertisement. October 28, 1952
- “Town is Site for Todd-AO.” August 6, 1958
- “Town Theater Burlesque at its best! “Merry Maids of the Gayway.” Town Theater Advertisement. February 3, 1954
- “Town Theater; Adults Only.. Giant Midnight Show Saturday Night. “Striptease Murder Case” & 2nd feature “Sintown.” Town Theater Advertisement. July 25, 1950
- “Burlesque is Out at Town Theater.” Town Theater. March 21, 1958
- “Town Theater Burlesque As You Like It! Georgia Bother & Joey Faye in Hurly Burly.” Town Theater (1418 Douglas St.) Advertisement. October 24, 1952
- “Wants Burlesque.” Public Opinion Piece. By R.H. April 27, 1959
- “Glad Burlesque Gone.” Public Opinion Piece. By Mrs. Dick Ecabert. April 12, 1958
- “Burlesque’s Return.” Public Opinion Piece. By A Grandfather. September 29, 1958
- “Rita Rio and Band Coming.” Peony Park. November 29, 1938
- “See the Glamorous Rita Rio with her original all-girl NBC Orch.” Peony Park Advertisement. November 29, 1938
- “Burlesque at the Muse.” Advertisement. May 29, 1959
“Sun Lovers Holiday at the Muse plus -New Burlesque.” Advertisement. February 13, 1961 - “Heroes and Sinners - plus New Burlesque.” The Muse Theater Advertisement. February 29, 1960
- “Burlesque plus feature attraction “Problem Girls.” The Muse Theater Advertisement. November 14, 1959
- “Burlesque plus feature attraction “The Last Paradise.” The Muse Theater Advertisement. December 22, 1959
- “Cooch’ Dance Film Feature; Picture Revives Famed now Barred Stunt.” By Jake Rachman. September 22, 1951
- “When Films Start at Theaters.” Muse Theater. May 29, 1959
- “Perhaps You’re Mistaken.” Gayety Infographic. March 25, 1921
- “Gayety Ad; Bathing Beauties.” January 4, 1924
- “Gayety Ad; Twinkle Toes and Peek-A-Boo.” March 25, 1921
- “Gayety Ad; Moonlight Maids with Billy Hagan and Ama Toebe.” January 2, 1928
- “Gayety Ad; Burlesque Review.” March 3, 1917
- “Gayety Review of ‘The Burlesque Review.” March 3, 1917
- “The Gayety a Refined Burlesque.” September 23, 1965
- “Gayety Ad; Hippity Hop, with info about police inspection of New York theaters” December 4, 1923
- “Burlesque is Back, but Not Too Raw.” June 10, 1966
- “Lili is Taking Gypsy’s Place; Two Films Planned for stripper.” Hedda Hopper. April 28, 1953
- “La Plume’ is Organized Daffiness.” Denman Kountze, Jr. October 17, 1961
- “Uncle Joe Recalls When Ann Was Soubrette Here.” December 22, 1937
- “Circus Given Safety Rules.” July 24, 1944
- “Strippers Warned Against ‘Bumping.” San Francisco, Cal. August 2, 1952
‘Some Wild Oats” Advertisement at the Brandeis Theater. January 4, 1924 - “Bill McKenna” Advertisement. Cave Under the Hill Club. October 26, 1945
- “Jepsen Yields as Palmtag Raids Again.” Clover Leaf Club. September 28, 1938
- “Here’s Relief in Sultry August.” Clover Leaf Club Advertisement. July 23, 1933
- “Omaha’s Fun Center; Gayety; Billy Watson and his Big Show” Advertisement. January 26, 1922
The Examiner (Omaha, NE):
- “Record Breaker Coming; Billy B., The Daddy of all the Watsons, at Gayety Next Week.” January 24, 1914
- “Gayety; Billy Watson and his Big Show” Advertisement. January 24, 1914
Filmore Weekly Chronicle. “High Jinks in Omaha; Strong Attractions during Ak-Sar-Ben Week at The Gayety.” Omaha, NE. September 27, 1912
Fremont Tribune (Fremont, NE):
- “33 Booked by Police After Raids in Omaha.” November 16, 1953
- “Omaha Outlaws Exotic Dancers.” July 14, 1965
The Gateway, Vol. 71, No. 2. September 3, 1971 (Omaha, NE):
- Pussycat Theater Ad (1316 Douglas). September 3, 1971
- September 3, 1971. Dan Die Mullen. “From Breasts to Boa Constrictors.”
- “Public Notice” Downtown Book Store (1316 Douglas St.) September 3, 1971
Grand Island Daily Independent (Grand Island, NE):
- “Plans Probe Nude Dance Halls.” September 26, 1935
- “Mayor Butler Needn’t Worry.” May 11, 1937
Hay Springs News. “Star Theater.” Advertisement of Dancing. Hay Springs, NE. December 25, 1936
The Howells Journal. “Women Spies are Selfish.” Howells, NE. October 1, 1920
Kearney Daily Hub (Kearney, NE):
- “Second club adds exotic dancer acts.” By Deb Nielsen. March 22, 2000
- “Go Go Dancer Wants Child With Her.” About Maggie Towne. April 28, 1975
- “Omaha Police Raid Burlesque.” November 6, 1954
Lincoln Daily Call. “Mr. Henry E. Dixey. The Popular Actor write of burlesque.” Lincoln, NE. May 3, 1893
Lincoln Journal Star (Lincoln, NE):
- "Topless dancers show up again on Hideway’s stage.” L. Kent Wolgamott. June 8, 1982
- “No trouble at BJ’s, owner says; County Board considers ban on nude dancers in lounges.” November 11, 1980
- “Fair’s young stripper unsure dreams will come true.” Mitchel Benson. September 2, 1980
- “Foxy ladies: Lincoln’s topless bar scene draws crowds and critics.” Cindy Lange-Kubick. Page 1A and continues on 10A. September 24, 1995
- “Topless bar will bottom out if annexed, owner says.” Ann Harrell. Page 1A Continues on Page 6A. April 11, 1966
- “Owner says topless club will add second location.” BJ’s Hideaway. April 17, 1997
- “Play Time; 10th Year Starts at Fair.” Holly Spence. September 4, 1975
- “BJ’s Hideaway and Paris Nights Entertainment Present: Summer, Lee Morgan, and Nandy. Topless, Exotic Dancers.” Advertisement for BJ’s Hideaway (5100 N. 48th St. Lincoln, NE). February 4, 1996
- “Joker Wynonie Harris Won Fame as ‘Mr.Blues.” By Preston Love. November 21, 1976
- “Strippers File Suit to Stop Topless Ban.” Omaha, NE. Guys and Dolls Club. August 31, 1971
- “Burlesque Comes to State Fair.” Friday August 29, 1975
New York Day by Day.” Monday November 5, 1928 - “Beginnings of Famous Actors.” Saturday April 20, 1901.
- “Fast Mail Wreck: A Broken Rail Causes Disaster on the Monon.” Tuesday January 12, 1892.
- “Protest Burlesque Show.” Wednesday January 19, 1927
- “Days filled with trouble for Omaha go-go dancer.” March 3, 1978
- “Facing Customers Toughest Part, Claims Go-Go Dancer.” Debbie Murphy. April 16, 1975
Lincoln Star (Lincoln, NE):
- “Dance Contest Every Tuesday.” Advertisement for dance contest at Foxy Lady (1823 O Street, Lincoln, NE). September 29, 1991
- “B.J.’s Hideaway - 5100. N 48th St.” Zia Summers Burlesque Show Advertisement for BJ’s Hideway in Lincoln, NE. November 15, 1987
- “Burlesque Business is Slow at 1974 State Fair.” Liane Guenther. September 7, 1974
- “Pussycat Theater Called Matter for State Courts.” April 6, 1976
- “At the Theaters.” Friday December 4, 1908
- "The Theaters.” Sunday December 10, 1916
- “Varsity Theater” Advertisement. Friday April 2, 1954
- “Burlesque show at Zoo to have Halloween theme.” Friday October 28, 2011
- “Strip Teaser Dunked After Demonstrating To Students Liberal Visual Education.” Baton Rouge, LA. March 5, 1948
- “Free speech covers nude dancing.” George Will. June 8, 1981
- “Ex-Operator of Adult Bookstore Given Probation.” April 26, 1975
Mid West Labor News (Omaha, NE):
- “Popular Gayety To Open.” August 24, 1923
- “Mollie Williams at the Gayety.” April 18, 1924
Morning World Herald (Omaha, NE):
- “Clover Leaf Case is Ended.” December 16, 1938
- “Palmtag Hits at Cloverleaf Club 3d Time; Total of Bonds for Performers is $490; Again a Long Ride.” September 29, 1938
- “Card at the Trocadero: ‘Beautiful Indian Maidens’ the Attraction This Week.” December 30, 1900
- “Miaco’s Trocadero ‘Frank B. Carr’s Beauty Show’ and ‘Indian Maidens Burlesque Company’ headed by Pearl Marquem.” Trocadero Theater Advertisement. December 30, 1900
- “Miaco’s Trocadero: Matinee Today ‘The Thoroughbred Burlesquers’ and Rosenthal’s Amateur Night.” Trocadero Advertisement. April 1, 1902
- “From the Trocadero: The Best Acts from this Palace of Burlesque.” Miss Dollie Rathbun-Chelsey — Soloist.” October 28, 1900
- “Krug Theater Will Continue Burlesque.” April 10,1913
- “Announcement: The Town Theater is Really Going to Town!!! “Maid in the Ozarks.” Town Theater Advertisement. October 28, 1945
- “Ann Corio in “Call of the Jungle.” Town Theater Advertisement. November 10, 1944
- “The Sun’s Brother Will be the Moon.” August 17, 1919
- “Burlesque.” Question from the Public. October 26, 1914
- “Veloz and Yolanda and their Big Stage Revue.” Advertisement. At the Orpheum. November 10, 1944
- “Little Egypt” at the Orpheum. Advertisement. September 22, 1951
- “Gayety Ad - Fred Irwin’s Big Show.” January 19, 1919
- “Plays and Players; Gayety— The Wonder Show.” March 13, 1921
- “Plays and Players: Gayety—Burlesque.” March 25, 1923
- “At the Theaters.” May 14, 1911
- “Ak-Sar-Ben’s Undisputed Diadem.” Gayety Theater Advertisement. September 24, 1916
- “Gayety —The Auto Girls.” Review of Gayety show. February 24, 1918
- “Improved Type of Shows Now in Burlesque.” January 19, 1919
- “Columbia Burlesk’s 25th Anniversary at the Gayety.” Advertisement. February 8, 1925
- “Follies of the Day.” Gayety Advertisement. November 24, 1921
- “Jack Reid’s Record Breakers” Gayety Advertisement. October 30, 1924
- “Peek-A-Boo with Harry and Willie Lander.” Gayety Advertisement. February 6, 1925
- “Gayety- ‘1927 Jazztime Revue.” October 24, 1927
- “Lew Kelly and His Own Pick of Merrymakers.” Gayety Advertisement. December 10, 1921
- “Omaha’s Two Live Ones.” Advertisement for Gayety and Hippodrome. August 25, 1912
- “Parisian Flappers at the Gayety.” Advertisement. Flossie Devere. January 3, 1927
- “A Silk Stocking Revue of Up and Down Broadway.” Gayety Blurb. August 28, 1922
- “Coming Theatrical Attractions.” Gayety Review - Hip Hip Hooray Girls. September 24, 1916
- “Boston Strip Out of Work.” December 6, 1953
- “At 16, Loydell Youngest Performer in USO Troupe.” November 23, 1952
- “Columbia Burlesque Circuit” Advertisement. October 14, 1923
- “The March of Time.” May 5, 1938
- “Serena and her Underwater Fantasy” Advertisement. Angelo’s Cocktail Lounge. June 11, 1954
- “Gayety; Billy Watson’s Big Show.” Advertisement. January 25, 1914
Muscatine Evening Journal. “A Word on Burlesques.” Sewell. Muscatine, IA. February 9, 1959
Nebraska Daily News Press. “VA Must Even Pay Tuition for Strip-Tease Schooling.” Lincoln, NE. January 29, 1946
Nebraska State Journal (Lincoln, NE):
- “Funke’s Opera House Advertisement” &
- “Amusements”. February 14, 1892
- “The Theaters.” Friday December 4, 1908
- “Oliver Theater” Advertisement. Sunday December 10, 1916
Victoria Loftus’ British Blondes Troupe.” Wednesday January 8, 1879 - “Victoria Loftus British Blondes.” Saturday January 21, 1882
- “When Merrie England like Modern America had a Nudist Problem.” Emily C. Davis. August 27, 1934
- “Blurb about Gypsy Rose Lee.” April 4, 1937
- “Theatres.” October 14, 1900
- “Bans Strip-Tease Acts”. March 31, 1937
Nemaha Valley Journal. “Amusements.” Auburn, NE. Thursday December 9, 1869
The New York Clipper. October 24, 1914. “Burlesque in Omaha.” New York, NY. By KO. Page 11
Omaha Bee News (Omaha, NE):
- Reviews of the Stage “Band Box Revue’ is Gayety Show” and “Where to Go, What to See.” October 13, 1927
Gayety Advertisement - “Kandy Kids with Jessie McDonald and Max Coleman.” October 13, 1927
- “Bert Lyell Her for Orpheum Show.” October 13, 1927
Omaha Daily Bee (Omaha, NE):
- “New Wheel for Burlesque; Columbia Amusement Company Adds Thirty New Theaters. Two Circuits Next Season.” February 15, 1914
- “Lou Field company was presented Thursday evening at the Herald Square Theater.” November 18, 1906
- “Stage Prospects Damaged, Says Female Impersonator.” About Walter Adams. March 23, 1920
- “Variety of Clean Entertainment at Gayety.” March 12, 1913
- “Boyd’s New Year’s Engagement: Corinne, supported by the Kimball Opera-Comique and Burlesque Co. Carmen. Monte Cristo Jr.”
- Advertisement for Boyd Theater. December 28, 1890
- “At the Theaters; Boyd Theater.” Corrine and the Kimball Opera-Comique and Burlesque Company. December 28, 1890
- “Miaco’s Trocadero: The New Palace of Burlesque. ‘Vagabond Burlesquers.” November 8, 1900
- “Krug Audience Does Not Appreciate Vulgar Song.” Krug Theater. March 20, 1911
- “Krug Theater Will Reopen Soon, with W.W. Cole at Helm.” November 7, 1915
- “Krug Real Burlesque: The Pacemakers.” Krug Theater Advertisement. January 5, 1913
- “Krug Real Burlesque: High Life In Burlesque Pat White & Mll. Margia. 24 Girls. Ladies Daily Dime Matinee.” Krug Theater Advertisement. January 19, 1913
- “Krug Real Burlesque: The Rose Buds with Joe Adams, Helen Van Burn and the Garden Girls in 'A Circus Day.” Krug Theater Advertisement. November 3, 1912
- “Victoria Loftus’ British Blondes” Advertisement. December 20, 1878
- “Lydia Thompson’s ‘Robin Hood’ at the Wallack.” August 7, 1872
- “Crowds are turned away at the Gayety.” “Oh Girl Company” August 20, 1917
- “Creighton Orpheum” Opening Advertisement. November 27, 1898
- “Gayety - School Ma’ams Sessions.” Advertisement. November 3, 1913
Omaha Daily Herald (Omaha, NE):
- “The Eliza Weber Operatic Burlesque Troupe at Academy of Music.” April 11, 1871
- “One Romeo and Six Juliets.” August 10, 1879
Omaha Daily News (Omaha, NE):
- “Why the Strangest of Engagements Has Been Broken Off; Dare-Devil Miss Rutth and the Exquisite Mr. Karyl Fell Madly in Love and their Friends Gasped- and Now They Have Fallen Madly Out Again — Exactly as Broadway Predicted.” September 2, 1922
- “Krug Theater.” September 24, 1911
- “Paris is Wild Over New Dance.” Paris. December 9, 1906
- “Gayety Burlesque is called ‘Auto Bugs.” And “Lady Bucaneers’ at the Krug this Week.” Advertisement for Gayety and Krug. February 3, 1913
- “Belles of Beauty Row’ is Gayety Burlesque.” October 13, 1913
- “Let’s Go’ Is New Gayety Burlesque.” Review February 22, 1925
Omaha Evening Bee News (Omaha, NE):
- “New and Bigger Musical Shows at Krug.” March 13, 1913
- “Folies De Paree at Paramount Theater.” March 15, 1935
- “Club Chatter.” Jim Bell’s Harlem Club. May 6, 1937
- “Famed Dancer Becomes ‘Strip Tease’ Artist.” Chicago. Ann Pennington. March 15, 1937
- “May close burlesque shows.” New York. April 29, 1937
- “Don’t Give Up the Strip’ - Minsky.” Washington. February 24, 1937
- “St. Patrick’s Frolic” Advertisement for Clover Leaf Club (119 South 15th St.) March 15, 1935
- “Police Again Raid Clover Leaf Club.” January 4, 1937
- “Reopening Clover Leaf Club” Advertisement. May 29, 1937
- “Sone & Pillard, Omaha’s Most Popular Dancing Stars. Extra Added Attraction: Darling Germaine; Queen of Quiver.” March 5, 1927
- “Gladys Clark at the Gayety theater.” B.A.F. February 17, 1928
- “Along Theater Row.” Gayety Theater Review. February 17, 1928
- “New Owner Opens Clover Leaf Club Here.” May 29, 1937
- “Hunter Plans Vacation in Canada.” May 13, 1937
- “Review of Stage & Screen— Gayety “The Frivolities of 1927.” February 17, 1927
- “Jim Bell, Wife Ask Bankruptcy.” August 6, 1938
- “Transfer of License Refused Jim Bell.” August 23, 1938
- “Fine Jim Bell in Liquor Sale.” May 25, 1937
Omaha Guide (Omaha, NE):
- “Red Perkins and His Orchestra Pack ‘Em in at the Harlem Club.” April 3, 1937
- “Former Omahan in the Movies.” Woodrow Theodore Qualls. August 7, 1937
- “Gregg A. Williams and His Joyland revelers Now at the Harlem Night Club.” May 1, 1937
- “Jim Bell’s Harlem to open October 1st.” October 3, 1926
- “Wanted Colored Contestants for the Big Apple Dance Contest. At Orpheum Theater. Apply at Jim Bell’s Harlem Club." October 9, 1937
Omaha Hotel Reporter. “Will Open the Burlesque Palace Next Sunday.” Omaha, NE. August 29, 1900
Omaha Morning Bee News (Omaha, NE):
- "Reviews of Stage and Screen.” Orpheum Theater. July 9, 1928
- “Next Season in ‘Burlescue.” June 22, 1924
- “Gayety - The Bowery Burlesquers.” Article by Ayekay Dee. March 12, 1928
- "Gayety Advertisement: Girls from the Follies.” February 14, 1928
- “Along Theater Row.” Gayety Theater. February 14, 1928
- “New Burlesque Circuit, is Plan.” Gayety Theater. November 16, 1927
- “At the Theaters.” Gayety Advertisement. January 2, 1927
Omaha Star (Omaha, NE):
- "New Year’s Eve at Off Beat.” December 24, 1964
- “Renewal Should be Given.” Off Beat Club. February 28, 1963
- “Repeat Fun Night at Off Beat Sat.” January 21, 1955
- “Pete and Repete At the Off Beat.” February 4, 1955
- “Fun the Order of the Night at Off Beat.” January 14, 1955
- “Off Beat Club, Inc. Membership Drive.” April 23, 1954
- “Off Beat Club Presents the Sultans plus Chico and His Revue.” Advertisement for Off Beat Club. April 23, 1954
- "Holiday Fare At Off Beat.” December 17, 1954
- “Three Shows at Off Beat Xmas. Night.” December 24, 1954
- “Big Maybelle At Off Beat Next Week.” January 28, 1955
- “Co-Sponsors Put on YMCA Benefit Dance.” Off Beat Club. June 26, 1959
- “Little Miss Sharecropper At Off Beat.” By Charles B. Washington. November 26, 1954
- “Wini Brown At Off Beat This Saturday, Sunday.” By Charles B. Washington. October 22, 1954
Omaha Sunday Bee News (Omaha, NE):
- “The Naughty Strip-Tease As Done in Grandpa’s Day.” May 2, 1937
- “From ‘Little Egypt’s’ Hootchy-Kootchy too the ‘Strip-Tease’. May 9, 1937
- “Laundered ‘Tobacco Road’ Shown; Police Follow Feeble Script.” May 9, 1937
- Gayety Theater Advertisement. Front Page. August 23, 1912
Omaha World Herald (Omaha, NE):
- “Nude Dancers not covered by law.” John Ferak. Playhouse in Council Bluffs. Page 1 and continued on Page 2. December 15, 2004
- “Out Today “PIC” The History of Burlesk.” Advertisement for PIC Magazine. July 21, 1937
- “Cirino’s Lounge Proudly Presents Go-Go Girls! A Clean and Unique Show.” (13th and Farnam St.) Advertisement. March 12, 1966
- “Muse Theater: All Men Are Apes.” Muse Theater Advertisement. March 12, 1966
- “Go-go Girls Want Ad.” Stevens International House of Stars. March 14, 1971
- “Image 90 Lounge: Now Featuring the ‘Main Attraction.” Advertisement for Image 90 Lounge. July 13, 1972
- “Dancer Appeals.” Marree Lynn Custard is convicted of indecent exposure. Cirino’s Lounge. April 13, 1966
- “Topless Go-Go Girl Draws a Suspension For Cirino’s Lounge.” Larry Wilson. March 9, 1966
- “Cirino’s Closed 30 Days for Dance.” Continued. March 9, 1966
- “The Silver Tap Club: Entertainment; 7 Days a Week! Two Big Shows.” Advertisement for The Silver Tap Club. July 13, 1972
- “Capri Lounge (1604 North 47th St.) The Most Exciting Dancing Girls in Omaha!” Advertisement for Capri Lounge. July 13, 1972
- “Image 90 Lounge: Now Featuring the ‘Lolligaggers.” Image 90 Lounge Advertisement. January 5, 1973
- “Image 90 Lounge; We Welcome You With Open Streets to our Formal Opening of the: Image 90 Lounge (2666 N 90th Street, Maple Plaza). Advertisement. September 21, 1970
- “The Cheetah Lounge (71st and Dodge); Noon Lunches.” The Cheetah Lounge Advertisement. September 21, 1970
- “3 Free on Bond After Club Raid.” February 27, 1968
- “Blue ‘Velvet’; Omaha gets a sneak peek at a hipper-style burlesque show, with heightened theatricality, developed for Chicago.” By Bob Fischbach. July 6, 2006.
- “5 Stag Defendants’ Fines Total $1,750; Host’s Is Thousand; $500 Penalty for Possessor of Lewd Film; Striptease Assessed $100 by the Judge.” June 27, 1959
- “Forget the Rumors! Bittersweet Lounge and Lusty lady. Plus Leigh Sharon as
- “Vampierella”. Bittersweet Lounge Advertisement. January 9, 1978
- “Amateur Go-Go Contest at Lusty Lady Lounge.” Advertisement. August 31, 1976
- “Grand Amateur Week.” Bittersweet Lounge Advertisement. July 23, 1979
- “Semi-Nude Dancers at the Bittersweet Lounge.” Advertisement. October 10, 1975
- “Bittersweet’s Week-end Double Hitter Friday Night Miss Mercy, straight from the Philippines.” Bittersweet Lounge, Council Bluffs, Advertisement. August 26, 1977
- “Sandy Ruddick at the Bitter Sweet Lounge.” Bittersweet Lounge Advertisement. June 4, 1976
- “Bittersweet Lounge presents Heaven Lee.” Bittersweet Lounge Advertisement. November 4, 1977
- “Back by Popular Demand! Miss Silvia LaSerena.” Bittersweet Lounge Advertisement. September 19, 1977
- “Miss Silvia LaSerena.” Bittersweet Lounge Advertisement. February 1, 1979
- “Grand Amateur Week.” Bittersweet Lounge Advertisement. May 14, 1980
- “The Exotic Linda Knight.” Bittersweet Lounge Advertisement. December 5, 1978
- “Bittersweet Lounge Denied Reopening.” Council Bluffs Bureau. June 27, 1985
- “Now! Semi-Nude Dancers.” Bittersweet Lounge Advertisement. September 25, 1975
- “Finals Tonight! Grand Amateur Week at the Bittersweet Lounge.” Bittersweet Lounge Advertisement. May 17, 1980
- “Stephanie Powers.” Bittersweet Lounge Advertisement. October 7, 1978
- “Now.. New to Omaha! Semi-Nude Dancers.” Bittersweet Lounge Advertisement. November 28, 1975
- “See Famous ‘Wild Morganna’ in the Omaha area!” Bittersweet Lounge, Council Bluffs, Advertisement. December 9, 1977
- “Howard: I’m Innocent of Indecency Charge.” Council Bluffs, October 16, 1978
- “Sharon Leigh in her Famous Vampire Act.” Bittersweet Lounge Advertisement. September 13, 1976
- “Bittersweet Lounge & Lusty Lady.” Bittersweet Lounge, Council Bluffs, Advertisement. January 13, 1978
- “Blondie’s Class Go Go Club.” Blondie’s Go Go Club. Council Bluffs, IA. Advertisement. April 27, 1984
- “Burlesque in Gorgeous Color: Lili St. Cyr in “Lili’s Wedding Night.” Town Theater Advertisement. March 10, 1956
- “Burlesque Canceled.” Town Theater. March 22, 1958
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- “Stage Fare This Week with Talking Pictures.” September 1, 1929
- “Ex-Dancer is Shot; Club Manager Held.” Romeo’s Nightclub (1516 Harney St.). August 22, 1971
- “Getting the Facts.” Pussycat Theater Opinion Piece. April 30, 1971
- “Omaha Sued by Pussycat.” Pussycat Theater Article. May 29, 1971
- “Judge Tells Pussycat: Reply to City Charge.” Pussycat Theater Article. May 12, 1971
- “Notes on Burlesque.” By Ralph Aletec. July 4, 1957
- “The Desert Song at the Paramount Theater.” Advertisement. May 17, 1929
- “The Desert Song at the Paramount Theater.” Advertisement. May 20, 1929
- “Ted Lewis” Orpheum Advertisement. February 16, 1936
- “Floor Show Featuring Joy Kales at New Modern Club.” Advertisement. December 16, 1934
- “The Hollywood Revue at the World Theater.” Advertisement. November 14, 1929
- “Muse Reopens Today as New Talkie Theater.” May 25, 1930
- “The Love Robots at the Muse.” Muse Theater Advertisement. October 10, 1967
- “Sale Price $35,000 For Muse Theater.” October 17, 1988
- “Arson Called Possible in Muse Theater Fire.” August 29, 1988
- “Virgins of Bali; Lili St. Cyr in Color.” Muse Theater Advertisement. May 11, 1959
- “Mickey’s Go-Go Girls” Advertisement. 15th and Harney. February 1, 1979
Advertisement for Mickey’s Razzle Dazzle (33rd and Broadway. Council Bluffs, IA). October 19, 1987 - “R&B Artist; Wynonie Harris.” By Jim Bresette. November 28, 1999
- “Hi-De Ho Ho! In Harlem.” Jim Bell’s Club Harlem. Images. May 16, 1937
- “Playful’ Lion Cub Nips Club Patrons.” Jim Bell’s Club Harlem. April 9, 1937
Advertisement for Jim Bell’s Harlem Club (2410 Lake St.). August 19, 1937 - “Holiday on Heels.” Advertisement for Female Impersonators at Guys and Dolls Lounge (1519 Farnam). November 4, 1971
- “Judge to Rule Friday in Topless Test Case.” Guys and Dolls Lounge. September 2, 1971
- “Go-Go Dance Contest.” Advertisement for Guys and Dolls Lounge. September 26, 1967
- “Lounge Facing Threat of License Suspension.” December 16, 1970
- “Homosexuals ‘Need More Social Outlets.” Article by Don Pieper. November 9, 1969
- “Ricki Covette at Guys and Dolls Lounge.” Advertisement. July 28, 1967
- “We Want Go-Go Girls.” Guys and Dolls Lounge (16th and Farnam) Want Ad. April 6, 1967
- “Bunny Club, INC.” Advertisement for Bunny Club at 2204 14th Street, Columbus, NE. July 27, 1965
- “Theater: City’s stage history would surely get R rating.” Bob Fischbach. September 6, 2014
- “Gypsy’ Cast Give Audience Superb Show.” Jim Delmont. September 9, 1989
- “Once Famous New Theater Maintains Dignity to End.” Burns Mantle. June 9, 1929
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- “Two Veterans are Reviving Burlesque.” United Press International. June 24. 1979
- “Restless Sprawl of Tokyo Offers Lively, Varied Nocturnal Activity.” November 3, 1963
- “Artistic Pretensions of ‘Louse Opera’ Are Absurd.” Westerock Pegler. March 9, 1937
- “The Day of the Hick Farmer is Gone’ So Outstate Nebraska Goes Go-Go.” Don Pieper. October 20, 1971
- “Omaha, Butler Got Bumps on the Radio; ‘Memorable’ Censorship Scene Enacted.” May 21, 1937
- “Have Omaha Morality Attitudes Changed?” Peter Citron. June 27, 1971
- “An Illustration of Censorship Danger.” Kansas City Times. May 23, 1937
- “Go-Go Dancers” Advertisement for Thirty Three Club. 3302 Leavenworth, Omaha. November 18, 1985
- “Go-go Dancers” Advertisement for Blondie’s Night Club. I-80 & Lake Manawa, Council Bluffs, IA. November 18, 1985
- “Go-go Dancers” Advertisement for Backdoor Lounge at 25 & Farnam. November 18, 1985
- “Wanted Ads” Go-go dancers for The Cheetah Lounge (7059 Dodge), Bachelor’s III Lounge (275 N. 115 St.), CBC Enterprises, Stevens International House of Stars, and Entertainment Enterprises. July 25, 1971
- “Go Go and Exotic Dancers” Advertisement. Wanted Ads. The Night Moves Lounge and the Star Bar (in Bellevue). June 1, 1980
- “Go go Dancers Wanted Ads”. Backdoor Lounge (25th and Farnam), Bittersweet Club (1512 Howard), Thirty Three Club (3302 Leavenworth). November 17, 1985
- “Go-go dancers wanted.” Hiring at Only Chance Saloon (20010 W. Dodge) and Razzle Dazzle Club (3339 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs, IA). April 4, 1984
- “Go-Go Dancers Wanted.” Ads for Blondie’s Night Club, Club 15 (15th & Farnam), Thirty Three Club, Ponderosa Bar, Mr. Tease Go-Go Club (1401 Jackson St.), and Mickey’s (33rd & Broadway, Council Bluffs, IA). February 5, 1986
- “The Bittersweet Dancers” Advertisement. 1512 Howard. October 19, 1987
- “Girls—Girls; Be A Glamorous Bunny” Advertisement for Lynn Russell’s Bunny Club in Diplomat Hotel (15th & Farnam). April 14, 1971
- “E.S.P. Lounge” Advertisement. Bellevue, NE. November 28, 1975
Sun Journal and Star. “Girlie-Go-Round Revue” at the Orpheum. Advertisement. Omaha, NE. December 13, 1936
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Online Sources
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- "My Omaha Obsession." Miss Cassette. 2020. https://myomahaobsession.com/
- "I Wish I Could Have Gone to: 1512 Howard Street" Miss Cassette. 2016. https://myomahaobsession.com/2018/09/16/i-wish-i-would-have-gone-to-1512-howard-street//
- "I Wish I Could Have Gone to the Cave Under the Hill." Miss Cassette. 2017. https://myomahaobsession.com/2017/02/13/i-wish-i-could-have-gone-to-the-cave-under-the-hill/
- "Discover Your Local History (Omaha)." Dustin Wax. 2015 https://www.haikudeck.com/discover-your-local-history-omaha-education-presentation-WarbpPUWqr#slide7
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The Durham Museum Archives:
- Savage, John (1903-1989). Dancer. The Durham Museum. 1939. Copyright by Omaha World Herald
- Savage, John. Dancer. 1939. The Durham Museum. Copyright Omaha World Herald
- Savage, John. Dancer. 1939. The Durham Museum. Copyright Omaha World Herald
- Savage, John. Dancer. 1939. The Durham Museum. Copyright Omaha World Herald
- Savage, John. Dancer. 1939. The Durham Museum. Copyright Omaha World Herald
- Savage, John. Fan Dancer at Nebraska State Fair. September 7, 1937. The Durham Museum. Copyright Omaha World Herald
- Savage, John. Fan Dancer at Nebraska State Fair. September 7, 1937. The Durham Museum. Copyright Omaha World Herald
- Savage, John. Fan Dancer at Nebraska State Fair. September 7, 1937. The Durham Museum. Copyright Omaha World Herald
- Savage, John. Peggy Thomas? 1939. The Durham Museum. Copyright Omaha World Herald
Bostwick-Frohardt KM3TV Photography Collection at The Durham Museum Photo Archive:
- Muse Theater; August, 13, 1928
- Muse Theater. July 9, 1934
- Muse Theater. 1919
- Muse Theater. 1933
- Muse Theater. January 3, 1942. Canopy Collapsed
- Muse Theater. 1995
- Muse Theater. May 26, 1937
- Muse Theater. May 25, 1942
- Clover Leaf Club. 1937
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History Nebraska Collection:
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- Dewell, Nathaniel. “Eleanor Wolf 2” May 8, 1929
- “Folies Burger Nite Club -Big City Burlesque at Nebraska State Fair.” August 25, 1966
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- Dewell, Nathaniel. “Mary Morrow.” May 2, 1933
- “Maxine Bechl.” Douglas County, NE. 85470. September 7, 1935
- “Maxine Bechl.” Douglas County, NE. 85471. September 7, 1935
- “Maxine Bechl.” Douglas County, NE. 85473. September 7, 1935
- “Maxine Bechl.” Douglas County, NE. 85474. September 7, 1935
- “Maxine Bechl.” Douglas County, NE. 85472. September 7, 1935